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- email:
- Take the Sample Challenge!
- Review one file from /incoming/ per week! (+delete/move/report bug)
- Extra Credit- Write a new audio/video codec/format on the wiki.
Steps to review incoming:
- start with older files
- google the filename to see if it was posted to the mplayer/ffmpeg mailing list
- do a search at and to see if it was posted there
- if no text file exists, try playback using mplayer and ffplay
- move file to samples.mphq and create/modify bugreport or delete
- organize incoming into folders like "known issues-to be fixed"
- fix communication between developers-samples status
- explain what samples are to be kept and which to be deleted
- ask other projects (xine,vlc) if they want to take a look at such files before deletion
Multimedia Archaelogy
try to guess codecs by forcing them.
mplayer -vc +ffodivx file.avi or -vc +ffmjpeg (for files that may be mjpeg)
Finding Codecs:
- google for NSVI fourcc for hints as to the codec name
- search for +"VIDC.NSVI". vidc is found in .inf files (registry installer) for vfw codecs.
- also try +"VIDS:NSVI"
- after locating vidc.nsvi=nsvideo.dll try to locate nsvideo.dll
- search for "nsvideo.dl_" which may appear in the installer/zip logs
- also try .drv, .dr_, .exe, .zip, .sys, .ax etc.
- sometimes get lucky searching for "NSVI.rar" or "" etc.
- try also the backward hex version of NSVI (4956534E) which is part of the GUID for the dshow codec.
status of picsearch list
binary codecs:
VDEC - vidc.vdec=videc.dll - Logitech QuickCam codec - yuv8 - try to use raw codec in codecs.conf - yuv8 ffmpeg description fire - more info here: FIRE
codecs with problems loading
todo : test these with linux loader test dshow codecs with dsnative from sherpya write down each codec if it works on linux/windows
videocodec mohd info "mobiclip" status buggy ; Warning: DS_Filter() no such class object. ( fourcc MOHD,mohd driver dshow dll "" ; 90cef552f1d20236ef5041ca1077c311 ;guid 0x44484F4D, 0x0000, 0x0010, 0x80, 0x00, 0xAA, 0x00, 0x00, 0x38, 0x9B, 0x71 guid 0x64686F6D, 0x0000, 0x0010, 0x80, 0x00, 0xAA, 0x00, 0x00, 0x38, 0x9B, 0x71 ;guid 0x73646976, 0x0000, 0x0010, 0x80, 0x00, 0xAA, 0x00, 0x00, 0x38, 0x9B, 0x71 out YV12,YUY2,UYVY out BGR32,BGR24,BGR16,BGR15
videocodec n264 status buggy ;i can create files using -ovc vfw -xvfwopts codec=h264vfw.dll fourcc N264 ; but still cannot play them in mplayer. driver vfw dll "H264Vfw.dll" ; befd224bc512742697fe27636de6cf23 out BGR32
videocodec eyeball info "eyeball chat video" status buggy ; corrupted video fourcc ES07 driver dshow dll "EStream7Decoder.dll" ; e8cf28a0b0589d9af97be1b41c2b0e20 guid 0x609C770F, 0x94D9, 0x4DDf, 0xB2, 0x2A, 0x68, 0x05, 0x71, 0x64, 0xA8, 0xDD out BGR24
videocodec mscamcorder info "microsoft office 97 camcorder" status buggy ; not a valid windows image fourcc CGDI driver vfw dll "gdicod97.drv" ; c9874806d163304474ae16530b8e057e out BGR32,BGR24,BGR15
videocodec geovfw status buggy ; crash fourcc GEOV driver vfw dll "GeoCodec.dll" ; 6febfc39081f2aeb1db95ba59a3c44bb out YUY2,YV12,IYUV out RGB24,RGB32,BGR24 flip
videocodec vdecvfw info "quickcam codec?" ; status buggy ; not a valid windows image fourcc VDEC driver vfw dll "videc.dll" ; 2854361dfaad445c508ffe9d8187c2f2 out YV12 out BGR24
videocodec softimage info "Softimage AVI Reference Codec" status working fourcc SIRF driver vfw dll "siaviref.dll" out BGR24
videocodec wmv11dmo info "Windows Media Video DMO from WMP11" comment "probably only works on vista?" status working fourcc WMV1 fourcc WMV2 fourcc WMV3 fourcc WMVP fourcc WVC1 driver dmo dll "wmvdecod.dll" guid 0x82d353df, 0x90bd, 0x4382, 0x8b, 0xc2, 0x3f, 0x61, 0x92, 0xb7, 0x6e, 0x34 out YV12 out YUY2,UYVY
videocodec wms10dmod info "Windows Media Screen Codec 2 from WMP10" comment "vista only?" status working fourcc MSS1 fourcc MSS2 driver dmo dll "wms10dmod.dll" guid 0x7bafb3b1, 0xd8f4, 0x4279, 0x92, 0x53, 0x27, 0xda, 0x42, 0x31, 0x08, 0xde out BGR32,BGR24,BGR16
videocodec debugmode status working fourcc DFSC driver vfw dll "dfsc.dll" out BGR16,BGR32,BGR24,BGR8,Y800,RGB32,RGB24,RGB8 flip out YV12,YUY2
videocodec divxavc info "Divx decoder" status buggy fourcc H264,X264,DAVC,AVC1 driver dshow dll "DivXAVCDecode.dll" guid 0x82d353df, 0x90bd, 0x4382, 0x8b, 0xc2, 0x3f, 0x61, 0x92, 0xb7, 0x6e, 0x34 out YUY2,YV12
videocodec media100 info "Win32/QuickTime Media 100 transcoder" status buggy fourcc 601P driver qtvideo dll "M100WinTranscoder.qtx" out YUY2
videocodec bhaxvd info "bha xvd decoder" status working ; not fourcc VGMV driver dshow dll "" guid 0x5f7cd501, 0xc9e5, 0x44d4, 0x9c, 0xc9, 0xcf, 0x80, 0x7a, 0xee, 0x65, 0xa1 out YV12,IYUV,I420,YUY2
unknown codec
DPSH -; some sort of raw codec- has the spcaview program that creates them (it segfaulted when I tried the example in the documentation).
Dashcloud 14:23, 20 February 2009 (EST)
HHE1 - zvue video? hhe0 / hhe1 patent : . looks like modified mpeg4. . official website in archive zflicks 1.5 encodes to xvid, included with ZOrgInstall-1.0.1.exe all of the -zvue.avi files are created with zflicks 1.1 , but zflicks 1.1 does not include the hhe0 or hhe1 codec. only divx.dll (comes with 1.1) or xvid (comes with 1.5).
speg - appears to be an Xvid derivative- if you check out the source code, there's a patch mplayer-speg.patch which just tacks SPEG onto all the xvid stuff. Dashcloud 14:23, 20 February 2009 (EST) CFCC - XiTh - theora in mov SUVF - ? MVXW - wavelet?
need to locate dlls
gisz , gigasize.dll
actually, this file , when mplayer -dumpvideo gisz.avi seems to be only 230K of 'c:\gigasize\movie2_00000.gdv' repeating over and over again. so it looks like gisz fourcc is just a placeholder and not an actual codec. --Compn 09:25, 11 July 2012 (EDT)