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Duck TrueMotion 2X is related to both Duck TrueMotion 1 and Duck TrueMotion 2. This codec stored images in YUV444 format.

Coding principles

Truemotion 2X is a mix of technologies from both Duck TrueMotion 1 and Duck Truemotion 2. From the former it takes codebook approach related to Tunstall codes (i.e. when codes are all fixed size but corresponding output sequence length may vary), from the latter it takes splitting frames into chunks for separate data sources.

Each frame consists of chunks with the following structure:

 0-2 always 0xA0 0x00 0x01
 3      chunk identifier
 4-7 chunk size (big-endian)
 8-... chunk payload

Analyzed frames have chunks in the following order:

  • 0x06- coded deltas
  • 0x15- frame decoding parameters
  • 0x09- 3 bytes long, initialisation data
  • 0x02- two chunks for delta values
  • 0x0B- there are always 16 of them with size=4. They define coding parameters for different block modes.
  • 0x0A- codebook for decoding first chunk

In order to ease reverse-engineering Duck seemed to used pseudo-encryption on data. Pseudo-encryption means XORing some chunks with parts of LFSR which may be updated before some chunks. Register data is stored as big-endian number and looks like first 4 bytes of 0x06 chunk are used to initialize it (it also seems to be that chunk size minus four bytes).

LSFR update algorithm:

 calculate sum by modulo 2 of bits 31, 21, 3 and inverted bit 0
 shift register contents left by one bit and store new sum in LSB
 repeat 4 times

Known chunks

Each chunk starts with 32-bit identifier and 32-bit chunk size, both big-endian. Usually frame is composed of chunks for main data, configuration parameters and the last one is inverse Huffman list chunk.


This chunk is obfuscated. It containc delta tables to translate decoded token values for luma and chroma.

There should be up to two chunks.

First byte gives the chunk number (0 or 1).

Second byte tells how many 16-bit words of actual data this chunk has (up to 128).

The rest of chunk is 16-bit words.


This chunk is obfuscated.

 byte  0     --- chunk ID 
 bytes 1-2   --- ???

Chunk ID is used instead of offset provided in 0xA000010B.


Codebook data.

 bytes 0-1   --- list size
 bytes 2-3   --- list length (usually 256)
 byte  4     --- list depth (should be 8)
 byte  5-... --- list data


First 32-bit word is used to initialise LSFR key.

For version 5 there's motion vector data:

 npasses = get_bits(3);
 maxd = max(width, height) rounded up to the power of two;
 for (i = 0; i < npasses; i++) {
   mvbits = get_bits(5);
   get_mv_recursive(0, 0, maxd, maxd, mvbits);
 nblocks = get_bits(16);
 for (i = 0; i < nblocks; i++) {
   idx = get_bits(16);
   mb[idx]->mv_x = get_sbits(8) << 1;
   mb[idx]->mv_y = get_sbits(8) << 1;
 idx = 0;
 do {
   type = get_bits(2);
   if (type == 3) {
     run  = get_bits(8);
     type = get_bits(2);
   } else {
     run = 1;
   for (i = 0; i < run; i++)
     mb[idx++].type = type;
 } while (idx < num_mb_blocks);
 mv_bits = get_bits(4);
 for (i = 0; i < num_mb_blocks; i++) {
   if (mb[i].type == 2) {
     mb[i].mv_x += get_sbits(mv_bits);
     mb[i].mv_y += get_sbits(mv_bits);
 get_mv_recursive(int off_w, int off_h, int w, int h, int mvbits)
   if (get_bit()) {
     w >>= 1;
     h >>= 1;
     get_mv_recursive(off_w,     off_h,     w, h, mvbits);
     get_mv_recursive(off_w + w, off_h,     w, h, mvbits);
     get_mv_recursive(off_w,     off_h + h, w, h, mvbits);
     off_w += w;
     off_h += h;
   for (all MBs in this subdivision) {
     mb->mv_x += get_sbits(mvbits);
     mb->mv_y += get_sbits(mvbits);

The rest of the chunk data is coded block data.


Initialisation chunk for version 0.


This chunk is obfuscated. It contains decoder configuration data.

 byte 0  --- some length parameter or block size
 byte 1  --- ???
 byte 2  --- also block size?


Codebook data.

 byte  0     --- escape value
 bytes 1-2   --- ???
 bytes 3-4   --- list size
 bytes 5-6   --- list length (usually 256)
 byte  7     --- list depth (should be 8)
 byte  8-... --- list data


This chunk is obfuscated. It contains coding parameters for the different block types.

 byte  0     --- chunk ID 
 bytes 1-2   --- ???
 byte  3     --- block type ID

The following codebook is used for nonzero chunk IDs, it seems to affect which block decoding functions are selected:

 0, 0, 0, 0,
 0, 1, 1, 1,
 0, 1, 1, 2,
 0, 1, 2, 4
 1, 1, 2, 4,
 0, 2, 2, 4,
 1, 2, 2, 4,
 2, 2, 2, 4
 1, 4, 2, 4,
 2, 4, 2, 4,
 2, 8, 3, 8,
 3, 4, 3, 8
 3, 8, 3, 8,
 0, 1, 1, 4,
 0, 1, 2, 2,
 0, 2, 1, 4
 1, 1, 2, 2,
 1, 4, 2, 8,
 2, 2, 3, 4,
 2, 4, 3, 8
 0, 1, 3, 8,
 1, 2, 3, 8,
 2, 4, 2, 4,
 2, 4, 3, 8
 3, 8, 3, 8


Initialisation chunk for version 1.


This chunk is obfuscated.

byte  0     --- chunk ID 
bytes 1-2   --- ???
bytes 3-6   --- some parameters used instead of codebook in 0xA000010B (offset = chunk ID as for 0xA00000103)


Initialisation chunk for version 2.


Initialisation chunk for version 3.


This chunk is obfuscated. It contains some 2D array.

First byte is number of elements per line. Second byte seems to be padding. Following 16-bit word is number of lines.

The rest of chunk is 16-bit words forming some 2D array.


Initialisation chunk for version 4.


Initialisation chunk for version 5.


Codebook data.

 byte  0     --- escape value
 bytes 1-2   --- ???
 bytes 3-4   --- ???
 bytes 5-6   --- ???
 byte  7     --- ???
 byte  8     --- list length - 1
 byte  9-... --- list data


Codebook data.

 byte  0     --- escape value
 bytes 1-2   --- ???
 bytes 3-4   --- ???
 bytes 5-6   --- ???
 byte  7     --- list length - 1
 byte  8-... --- list data


This chunk is obfuscated.

byte  0     --- number of parameter blocks
bytes 1-... --- parameter IDs (used in the same way as chunk ID in 0xA0000103)

Initialisation data

This data is obfuscated with the usual key.

For version 5 there's some 32-bit value first.

 bytes 0-1    --- frame height?
 bytes 2-3    --- frame width?

For version 5 there's some additional 32-bit value here.

 byte  4      --- maximum quadtree depth?
 byte  5      --- ???
 bytes 6-7    --- ???
 byte  8      --- bits per motion vector?

For version 5 there are some additional fields:

 16-bit       --- some flags?
 byte         --- ???
 byte         --- ???
 byte         --- ???
 32-bit       --- ???

Codebook format

The list is stored in sparse form --- first you have a byte for length of the entry and then the tokens themselves (each takes a byte too). For example 01 0A 02 2A 2A expands to { 0A }, { 2A, 2A } .

Frame decoding

After decoding the information from the various chunks it is used to reconstruct the frame.

First frame is split into tiles of the size provided in one of the chunks and then for each tile perform the following:

  • for all 8x8 blocks in tile get codes for block type, MV flag and (if MV flag is true) motion vector
  • for each line in tile get required deltas for this line depending on block mode and apply them (or perform motion compensation instead).