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Revision as of 16:03, 14 July 2006 by Cyril (talk | contribs) (Err, wasn't an offset table.)
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This page is some preliminary in-progress documentation for the LucasArts Font format (LAF).


0x00|Number of characters         |4 bytes little endian
0x04|Raw font data size           |4 bytes little endian
0x08|Max character width (pixels) |4 bytes little endian
0x0C|Max character height (pixels)|4 bytes little endian
0x10|Unknown                      |4 bytes little endian
0x14|Unknown                      |4 bytes little endian
0x18|First character ASCII code   |4 bytes little endian
0x1C|Last character ASCII code    |4 bytes little endian

Character Code Table

After the preamble we have a table that contains the ASCII value for each character. Each such value is 2 bytes little endian, and there are as many values as there are characters. The value at offset 0x20 + (i * 2) is the ASCII value of the i-th character, starting at i = 0.