HD Photo

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HD Photo

is a format developed by Microsoft. It is known under the following names

  1. 'Windows Media Photo'
  2. 'HD Photo (High Dynamic range Photo)'
  3. 'JPEG XR (JPEG eXtended Range)'.

Windows Media Photo supports the following pixel formats: (from http://blogs.msdn.com/billcrow/archive/2006/06/22/642213.aspx)

  1. 16bpp (16bits per channel x 1 channel) Grayscale Fixed Point.
  2. 16bpp (16bits per channel x 1 channel) Grayscale Floating Point.
  3. 48bpp (16bits per channel x 3 channels ) RGB Fixed Point.
  4. 48bpp (16bits per channel x 3 channels ) RGB Floating Point.
  5. 64bpp (16bits per channel x 4 channels ) RGBA Fixed Point.
  6. 64bpp (16bits per channel x 4 channels ) RGBA Floating Point.
  7. 32bpp (32bits per channel x 1 channel) Grayscale Fixed Point.
  8. 32bpp (32bits per channel x 1 channel) Grayscale Floating Point.
  9. 96bpp (32bits per channel x 3 channels ) RGB Fixed Point.
  10. 96bpp (32bits per channel x 3 channels ) RGB Floating Point.
  11. 128bpp (32bits per channel x 4 channels) RGBA Fixed Point.
  12. 128bpp (32bits per channel x 4 channels) RGBA Floating Point.
  13. 128bpp (32bits per channel x 4 channels) PRGBA Floating Point with Pre-multiplied alpha channel?
  14. 32bpp (8bits per channel + 8bits exponent) R'G'B'E. R = R' x 10^E, G = G' x 10^E, B = B' x10^E.

There are also CMYK, CMYKA, BGR555, BGR565, BGRA, ...