Electronic Arts Sound eXchange

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Sound eXchange (SX) was a tool distributed by Electronic Arts that supports conversion of audio to and from the various EA game formats.

sx v3.01.01 (Sound eXchange) Sep 22 2004 by Dave Mercier, EAC
USAGE: sx <format> [options] <sourcefiles>
VERSION: WIN NT v3.01.01 (Sound eXchange), Spit v3.19
SUMMARY: sx is a sample format converter
        SPIT environment variable is SX_OPTS

   -aiff            Export Apple AIFF/AIFC
   -wave            Export Microsoft Wave
   -cdxa            Export CD-ROM XA
   -vag             Export Sony VAG
   -raw             Export RAW (no header)
   -pcbank          Export SND PC bank
   -pcstream        Export SND PC stream
   -macbank         Export SND MAC bank
   -macstream       Export SND MAC stream
   -ps2bank         Export SND PS2 bank
   -ps2stream       Export SND PS2 stream
   -gcbank          Export SND GC bank
   -gcstream        Export SND GC stream
   -xboxbank        Export SND XBOX bank
   -xboxstream      Export SND XBOX stream
   -sndstream       Export SND Generic stream
   -xenonbank       Export SND XENON bank
   -pspbank         Export SND PSP bank
   -xenonstream     Export SND XENON stream
   -pspstream       Export SND PSP stream
   -raw<samplerep>  Import RAW with given sample data representation

Sample data representations that may be specified:
   -s16l_int        Signed 16-Bit Little-Endian Interleaved
   -s16b_int        Signed 16-Bit Big-Endian Interleaved
   -s8_int          Signed 8-Bit Interleaved
   -mt_blk          MicroTalk Block (10:1)
   -vag_blk         Sony VAG Block (3.5:1)
   -s16b_blk        Signed 16-Bit Big-Endian Block
   -s16l_blk        Signed 16-Bit Little-Endian Block
   -s8_blk          Signed 8-Bit Block
   -eaxa_blk        EA-XA Block (3.7:1)
   -u8_int          Unsigned 8-Bit Interleaved
   -cdxa            CD-XA Interleaved (3.5:1)
   -dvi_int         DVI Interleaved (4:1)
   -gcadpcm         GameCube ADPCM (3.5:1)
   -s24l_int        Signed 24-Bit Little-Endian Interleaved
   -xboxadpcm       Xbox ADPCM (3.5:1)
   -s24b_int        Signed 24-Bit Big-Endian Interleaved
   -mt5_blk         MicroTalk Block (5:1)

   -noprogress      Do not display progress bars
   -rawc<channels>  Specify RAW input channels (default 1)
   -raws<rate>      Specify RAW samplerate (default 22050 Hz.)
   -split           Split multi-channel into multiple single-channel files
   -onetomany       Break multi-element files into individual files
   -element<offset> Adjust destination element positions by this offset
   -notruncate      Don't remove samples after loop (default truncates)
   -det<cents>      Specify new detune in cents for playback (default is 0)
   -br<semitones>   Specify bend range for playback (default is 0)
   -vol<0-127>      Specify volume for playback (default is 127)
   -rd<cents>       Specify random detune range in cents (default is 0)
   -mrd<cents>      Specify master random detune range in cents (default is 0)
   -rv<0-127>       Specify random volume range for playback (default is 0)
   -pan<0-127>      Specify pan offset (default is 64)
   -rp<0-127>       Specify random pan offset range (default is 0)
   -fps<0.1-120.0>  Specify chunk rate for stream (default is 15.0)
   -renv<-1-127>    Specify release envelope (default is -1)
   -envi<0-127>     Specify initial envelope volume (default is 127)
   -env<dur,vol[,dur,vol,...]> Specify playback envelope as a series of
                               segments, each with a duration and volume.
                               duration is in 1/100ths of a second and volume
                               ranges from 0..127
   -az<0..65535[,...]>         Specify directional azimuths for each channel.
                               First azimuth listed corresponds to the lowest
                               channel. An azimuth of 0 would be directly
                               ahead, 16384 would be directly to the right.
           The loop start value sets which sample the loop section begins on.
               "sample" - Specify the sample to begin the loop section, -1 
               indicates no loop start point. Allowable range is -1 .. 
           The loop end value sets which sample the loop section ends on.
               "sample" - Specify the sample to end the loop section, -1 
               indicates no loop end point. Allowable range is -1 .. 
           The loop start is set to the value given, if there isn't one 
           currently in the file.  -1 means no loop start point.
               "sample" - Specify the sample to begin the loop section, -1 
               means no loop start point Allowable range is -1 .. 2147483647.
           The loop end is set to the value given, if there isn't one 
           currently in the file.  -1 means no loop end point
               "sample" - Specify the sample to end the loop section, -1 means
               no loop end point. Allowable range is -1 .. 2147483647.
           Explicitly transfer all the AIFF markers to user data.  This is not
           done by default
           The constant bit rate is used to set the level of compression.
               "bitrate" - Specify in bits per second. Allowable range is 8000
               .. 960000.
           The variable bitrate quality is used to set the level of 
               "quality" - Specify compression quality, 0 = highest 
               compression (bad sound quality), 100 = lowest compression (good
               sound quality) Allowable range is 0 .. 100.
           The play-back location determines what system a sound will be 
           played from.
               "location" - Location can be one of 'default', 'spu', 
               'maincpu', 'iopcpu', 'ds2dhw', 'ds3dhw', or 'dsp'.
           Set priority for voice allocation.
               "value" - Specify priority for playback (default is 0, 100 is 
               highest). Allowable range is 0 .. 100.
           Set level for effect bus 0.
               "level" - Specify effect level for bus 0 (default is 0). 
               Allowable range is 0 .. 127.
           Attach user data to a sample.
               "data" - Specify user data to attach to sample. Specify as a 
               file name.
           Generate and embed additional data needed to perform run-time time 
               "window" - Window size to use to correlate sample data, 
               specified in microseconds. 9000 is a good default. Allowable 
               range is 1000 .. 100000.
           Remove user data chunks from a sample, which ID matches the given 
               "id" - Specified as the id of the chunk(s) to be removed.  It 
               must be a four-letter id. (eg. MYID)
           Remove user data chunks from a sample, which ID matches the given 
               "value" - Specified as the id of the chunk(s) to be removed.  
               The value entered can be of any standard format, but you must 
               specify it clearly. (eg. 0x4F64EA6C) Allowable range is 
               -2147483648 .. 2147483647.
           Remove all user data from a sample. (No parameter is required)
           Resample to a new rate.
               "rate" - Specified as new sample rate in Hertz. Allowable range
               is 400 .. 96000.
           Ensure sample uses no more than N frames by reducing sample rate 
           until it fits.
               "frames" - Specify maximum amount of frames allowable in 
               sample. Allowable range is 1 .. 2147483647.
           Resample and insert silence to line loop points up to alignment 
               "alignment" - Specify the alignment restriction. Allowable 
               range is 2 .. 1024.
           Extend and/or replace samples after loop end point with the samples
           that begin at the loop start point.
               "padding" - Specify the amount of samples to pad out after the 
               loop end point. Allowable range is 0 .. 2147483647.
           Scale amplitude of sample.
               "amplitude" - Specified as percentage of original volume. 
               Allowable Range is -10000.0 .. 10000.0.
size: 577536 bytes
md5:  daffbcd5b48579801afe780140520c78
sha1: 5252db36c709ad1a47fecdd4060a1fd40f83f387