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  • Extensions: dfa

A DOS-based game called [Chronomaster] includes files with the extension .dfa which appear to be animation files. All multi-byte numbers are little endian. These files are comprised of chunks with the following format:

 bytes 0-3    chunk type
 bytes 4-7    chunk size, not including 12-byte preamble
 bytes 8-11   unknown
 bytes 12..   chunk payload

A DFA file begins with a 128- (0x80-)byte header:

 bytes 0-3    file signature: 'DFIA'
 bytes 4-127  unknown (mostly 0s)

Chunk types include:

 PAL1    768-byte chunk containing a 6-bit VGA palette components
 TSW1    video frame?
 DSW1    video frame?
 EOFR    end of frame, empty chunk

Based on the relative occurrence frequencies of the TSW1 and DSW1 frame, T-frames may be intracoded while D-frames are intercoded. The details of the video coding format are unknown.