Electronic Arts Formats (2)

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The information below was originally based on one of the many format documents written up by Valery V. Anisimovsky, available on http://wotsit.org/ and many other sites across the internet.

Old EA Format

The games using these formats include: NBA Live'96, NHL'96, FIFA'96, The Need For Speed, NHL'97. Maybe many more, e.g.: NHL'95.

The files this document deals with have extensions: .ASF, .AS4, .KSF, .EAS, .SPH, .BNK, .CRD, .TGV. Note that the files described here may have other extensions (and the same structure!): Electronic Arts tends to change extensions from game to game.

ASF/AS4 Music Files

The music in many Electronic Arts games is in .ASF/.AS4 stand-alone files. These files have the block structure analoguous to RIFF. Namely, these files are divided into blocks (without any global file header like RIFFs have). Each block has the following header:

struct ASFBlockHeader
 char	szBlockID[4];
 DWORD dwSize;

szBlockID -- string ID for the block.

dwSize -- size of the block (in bytes) INCLUDING this header.

Further I'll describe the contents of blocks of all block types in ASF/AS4 files. When I say "block begins with..." that means "the contents of that block (which begin just after ASFBlockHeader) begin with...". Quoted strings are block IDs.

"1SNh": header block. This is the first block in ASF/AS4. This block begins with the structure describing the audio stream:

struct EACSHeader
 char	szID[4];
 DWORD dwSampleRate;
 BYTE	bBits;
 BYTE	bChannels;
 BYTE	bCompression;
 BYTE	bType;
 DWORD dwNumSamples;
 DWORD dwLoopStart;
 DWORD dwLoopLength;
 DWORD dwDataStart;
 DWORD dwUnknown;

szID -- ID string, always "EACS".

dwSampleRate -- sample rate for the file.

bBits -- if multiplied by 8 gives the resolution of (decompressed) sound data, that is 1 means 8-bit and 2 means 16-bit.

bChannels -- channels number: 1 for mono, 2 for stereo.

bCompression -- if 0x00, the data in the file is not compressed: signed 8-bit [PCM] or signed 16-bit [PCM]. If this byte is 0x02, the audio data is compressed with IMA ADPCM. Note that non-compressed 8-bit files use SIGNED format! Signed 16-bit data may be sent to the wave output without any additional conversions, while signed 8-bit data should be converted to unsigned format. For example you can do that so: unsigned8Bit=signed8Bit+0x80 or, just the same: unsigned8Bit=signed8Bit^0x80 (this's a bit faster).

bType -- type of file: always 0x00 for ASF/AS4 (multi-block) files.

dwNumSamples -- number of samples in the file. May be used for song length (in seconds) calculation.

dwLoopStart -- beginning of the repeat loop (in samples). 0xFFFFFFFF means no loop.

dwLoopLength -- length of the repeat loop (in samples). Zero for no loop.

dwDataStart -- in ASF/AS4 files this is not used (equal to 0).

After the EACSHeader the first chunk of sound data comes. If the data isn't compressed, it's just signed 8/16-bit [PCM]. If the data is compressed, it starts with a small chunk header:

struct ASFChunkHeader
 DWORD dwOutSize;
 LONG	lIndexLeft;
 LONG	lIndexRight;
 LONG	lCurSampleLeft;
 LONG	lCurSampleRight;

dwOutSize -- size of uncompressed audio data in this chunk (in samples).

lIndexLeft, lIndexRight, lCurSampleLeft, lCurSampleRight are initial values for IMA ADPCM decompression routine for this chunk (for left and right channels respectively). I'll describe the usage of these further when I get to IMA ADPCM decompression scheme.

Note that the structure above is ONLY for stereo files. For mono there're just no lIndexRight and lCurSampleRight fields.

After this chunk header the compressed data comes. You may find IMA ADPCM decompression scheme description further in this document.

Hereafter by "chunk" I mean the audio data in the "1SNd" data block, that is, compressed data which starts after ASFChunkHeader.

"1SNd": data block. If no compression is used these blocks contain just signed 8/16-bit PCM audio data. Otherwise the data in each of these blocks begins with the same ASFChunkHeader described above and after that comes compressed data. Note that the first chunk of audio data is in "1SNh" block, along with the global EACS header!

"1SNl": loop block. This block defines looping point for the song. It contains only DWORD value, which is the looping jump position (in samples) relative to the start of the song. Note that you should make the jump NOT when you encounter this block but when you come across the "1SNe" block which may appear some "1SNd" data blocks after this block!

"1SNe": end block. This block indicate the end of audio stream. Make looping jump when you encounter it. It contains no data and its size is 8 bytes that is the size of ASFBlockHeader. Interesting that some AS4 files contain audio data beyond this block. This should be considered as non-standard feature not worth to support.

KSF Music Files

Some EA games use other format for music/speech files: .KSF. These files begin with "KWK`" ID string. Following this ID, comes PATl header. It begins with "PATl" ID string and its size is 56 bytes (always?) including its ID string. After PATl header comes TMpl header:

struct TMplHeader
 char	szID[4];
 BYTE	bUnknown1;
 BYTE	bBits;
 BYTE	bChannels;
 BYTE	bCompression;
 WORD	wUnknown2;
 WORD	wSampleRate;
 DWORD dwNumSamples; // ???
 BYTE	bUnknown3[20];

szID -- string ID, always "TMpl".

bBits -- resolution of sound data (0x10 for 16-bit, 0x8 for 8-bit).

bChannels -- channels number: 1 for mono, 2 for stereo.

bCompression -- if 0x00, the data in the file is not compressed: signed 8-bit PCM or signed 16-bit PCM. If this byte is 0x02, the audio data is compressed with IMA ADPCM. See the note for EACS header above.

wSampleRate -- sample rate for the file.

dwNumSamples -- number of samples in the file. May be used for song length (in seconds) calculation. Should be divided by 2 for mono sound.

After TMpl header comes sound data. For compressed files, IMA ADPCM compression is used (see below).

IMA ADPCM Decompression Algorithm

During the decompression four LONG variables must be maintained for stereo stream: lIndexLeft, lIndexRight, lCurSampleLeft, lCurSampleRight and two -- for mono stream: lIndex, lCurSample. At the beginning of each "1SNd" data block and at the beginning of the file -- when processing "1SNh" block -- you must initialize these variables using the values in ASFChunkHeader. Note that LONG here is signed.

Here's the code which decompresses one byte of IMA ADPCM compressed stereo stream. Other bytes are processed in the same way.

BYTE Input; // current byte of compressed data
BYTE Code;
LONG Delta;

Code=HINIBBLE(Input); // get HIGHER 4-bit nibble

if (Code & 4)
if (Code & 2)
if (Code & 1)
if (Code & 8) // sign bit

// clip sample
if (lCurSampleLeft>32767)
else if (lCurSampleLeft<-32768)

lIndexLeft+=IndexAdjust[Code]; // adjust index

// clip index
if (lIndexLeft<0)
else if (lIndexLeft>88)

Code=LONIBBLE(Input); // get LOWER 4-bit nibble

if (Code & 4)
if (Code & 2)
if (Code & 1)
if (Code & 8) // sign bit

// clip sample
if (lCurSampleRight>32767)
else if (lCurSampleRight<-32768)

lIndexRight+=IndexAdjust[Code]; // adjust index

// clip index
if (lIndexRight<0)
else if (lIndexRight>88)

// Now we've got lCurSampleLeft and lCurSampleRight which form one stereo
// sample and all is set for the next input byte...
Output((SHORT)lCurSampleLeft,(SHORT)lCurSampleRight); // send the sample to output

HINIBBLE and LONIBBLE are higher and lower 4-bit nibbles:

#define HINIBBLE(byte) ((byte) >> 4)
#define LONIBBLE(byte) ((byte) & 0x0F)

Note that depending on your compiler you may need to use additional nibble separation in these defines, e.g. (((byte) >> 4) & 0x0F).

StepTable and IndexAdjust are the tables given in the next section of this document.

Output() is just a placeholder for any action you would like to perform for decompressed sample value.

Of course, this decompression routine may be greatly optimized.

As to mono sound, it's just analoguous:

Code=HINIBBLE(Input); // get HIGHER 4-bit nibble

if (Code & 4)
if (Code & 2)
if (Code & 1)
if (Code & 8) // sign bit

// clip sample
if (lCurSample>32767)
else if (lCurSample<-32768)

lIndex+=IndexAdjust[Code]; // adjust index

// clip index
if (lIndex<0)
else if (lIndex>88)

Output((SHORT)lCurSample); // send the sample to output

Code=LONIBBLE(Input); // get LOWER 4-bit nibble
// ...just the same as above for lower nibble

Note that HIGHER nibble is processed first for mono sound and corresponds to LEFT channel for stereo.


LONG IndexAdjust[]=

LONG StepTable[]=
   7,	   8,	  9,	 10,	11,    12,     13,    14,    16,
   17,    19,	  21,	 23,	25,    28,     31,    34,    37,
   41,    45,	  50,	 55,	60,    66,     73,    80,    88,
   97,    107,   118,	 130,	143,   157,    173,   190,   209,
   230,   253,   279,	 307,	337,   371,    408,   449,   494,
   544,   598,   658,	 724,	796,   876,    963,   1060,  1166,
   1282,  1411,  1552,  1707,	1878,  2066,   2272,  2499,  2749,
   3024,  3327,  3660,  4026,	4428,  4871,   5358,  5894,  6484,
   7132,  7845,  8630,  9493,	10442, 11487,  12635, 13899, 15289,
   16818, 18500, 20350, 22385, 24623, 27086,  29794, 32767

TGV Movie Soundtracks

.TGV movies have the block structure analoguous to that of ASF/AS4. Video-related data is in "kVGT" and "fVGT" (or "TGVk" and "TGVf") blocks and sound-related data is just in the same blocks as in ASF/AS4: "1SNh", "1SNd", "1SNl", "1SNe". So, to play TGV movie soundtrack, just walk blocks chain, skip video blocks and process sound blocks.

Sound/Speech Files: .EAS, .SPH

Some sounds and all speech are usually in .EAS and .SPH files. These files have the header which is just the same as EACSHeader structure described above with two additions: (bType) is always 0xFF for sound/speech files, (dwDataStart) is the starting position of audio data relative to the beginning of the file. After the header, starting at (dwDataStart), comes audio data, up to the end of the file. The data is either non-compressed or IMA ADPCM compressed depending on the (bCompression) byte in the header. If it's IMA ADPCM compressed, there're no initial values for samples and indices at the beginning of the audio data. Just initialize them all to zeroes and start decompression at (dwDataStart).

Sound Effects in .BNK/.CRD Files

Most of sound effects are stored in .BNK and .CRD resource files. Those .BNKs and .CRDs may contain several sounds. They begin with some seemingly meaningless data, but after some junk of that data (typically starting at position 0x228, but not necessarily) come several EACS headers describing all sounds in .BNK/.CRD. Each EACS header has almost the same format as described above with some minor changes (some fields have different placement):

struct EACSHeader
 char	szID[4];
 DWORD dwSampleRate;
 BYTE	bBits;
 BYTE	bChannels;
 BYTE	bCompression;
 BYTE	bType;
 DWORD dwLoopStart;
 DWORD dwLoopLength;
 DWORD dwNumSamples;
 DWORD dwDataStart;
 DWORD dwUnknown;

and with the same two additions just as for .EAS/.SPH speech/sound: (bType) is always 0xFF, (dwDataStart) is the starting position of sound data relative to the beginning of the .BNK/.CRD file containing that sound. So, what you need to do is just search in .BNK/.CRD for "EACS" ID string and read EACSHeader from the position where you found "EACS". And the same for all sounds contained within .BNK/.CRD. The sound data itself (for each EACS header describing it) starts at (dwDataStart) and its size may be computed using (dwNumSamples) EACSHeader field (for example) with the following formula:



CompressionRatio=1 for non-compressed sounds,

2 for 8-bit IMA ADPCM compressed sounds, 4 for 16-bit IMA ADPCM compressed sounds,

SampleSize=bChannels*bBits (1 for mono 8-bit, 2 for mono 16-bit, etc.).

So, starting at (dwDataStart) comes just either PCM audio data (as described above for .EAS/.SPH files) or IMA ADPCM compressed data (without initial sample/index values, just as in .EAS/.SPH). Set CurSample(Left/Right) and Index(Left/Right) to zeroes and start the decompression.

New EA Formats

The games using these formats include: Need For Speed 2, NFS3, NFS4, NFS5, NBA Live'98, NBA'99, NBA'2000, NHL Online'98, NHL'99, NHL'2000, NHL'2001, FIFA'98, FIFA'99, FIFA'2000, FIFA'2001, Bundesliga Stars 2000, Madden NFL'98, Madden NFL'99, Madden NFL'2000, EURO'2000, World Cup 98, Triple Play 99, Fighter Pilot, World War II Fighters, Warhammer II: Dark Omen, Dungeon Keeper 2, Populous 3, Wing Commander: Prophecy. Maybe many more, e.g.: NBA'97, FIFA'97.

The files this document deals with have extensions: .ASF, .STR, .MUS, .LIN, .MAP, .WVE, .TGQ, .DCT, .MAD, .UV, .UV2, .BNK, .VIV. Note that the files described here may have other extensions (and the same structure!): Electronic Arts tends to change extensions from game to game.

.ASF/.STR Music Files

The music in many new Electronic Arts games is in .ASF stand-alone files (sometimes ASF files have extension .STR). These files have the block structure analoguous to RIFF. Namely, these files are divided into blocks (without any global file header like RIFFs have). Each block has the following header:

struct ASFBlockHeader
 char	szBlockID[4];
 DWORD dwSize;

szBlockID -- string ID for the block.

dwSize -- size of the block (in bytes) INCLUDING this header.

Further I'll describe the contents of blocks of all block types in .ASF file.

When I say "block begins with..." that means "the contents of that block (which begin just after ASFBlockHeader) begin with...". Quoted strings are block IDs.

"SCHl": header block. This is the first block in ASF. In the most of files this block begins with the ID string "PT\0\0" (or number 0x50540000). Further goes the PT header data which describes audio data in the file. This PT header should be parsed rather than just read as a simple structure. Here I give the parsing code. These functions use fread() and fseek() stdio functions.

// first of all, we need a function which reads a small (variable) number
// bytes and composes a DWORD of them. Note that such DWORD will be a kind
// of big-endian (Motorola) stored, e.g. 3 consecutive bytes 0x12 0x34 0x56
// will give a DWORD 0x00123456.
DWORD ReadBytes(FILE* file, BYTE count)
 BYTE	i, byte;
 DWORD result;

 for (i=0;i<count;i++)

 return result;

// these will be set by ParsePTHeader
DWORD dwSampleRate;
DWORD dwChannels;
DWORD dwCompression;
DWORD dwNumSamples;
DWORD dwDataStart;
DWORD dwLoopOffset;
DWORD dwLoopLength;
DWORD dwBytesPerSample;
BYTE  bSplit;
BYTE  bSplitCompression;

// Here goes the parser itself
// This function assumes that the current file pointer is set to the
// start of PT header data, that is, just after PT string ID "PT\0\0"
void ParsePTHeader(FILE* file)
 BYTE byte;
 BOOL bInHeader, bInSubHeader;

 while (bInHeader)
   switch (byte) // parse header code
     case 0xFF: // end of header


     case 0xFE: // skip
     case 0xFC: // skip


     case 0xFD: // subheader starts...

bInSubHeader=TRUE; while (bInSubHeader) { fread(&byte,sizeof(BYTE),1,file); switch (byte) // parse subheader code { case 0x82: fread(&byte,sizeof(BYTE),1,file); dwChannels=ReadBytes(file,byte); break; case 0x83: fread(&byte,sizeof(BYTE),1,file); dwCompression=ReadBytes(file,byte); break; case 0x84: fread(&byte,sizeof(BYTE),1,file); dwSampleRate=ReadBytes(file,byte); break; case 0x85: fread(&byte,sizeof(BYTE),1,file); dwNumSamples=ReadBytes(file,byte); break; case 0x86: fread(&byte,sizeof(BYTE),1,file); dwLoopOffset=ReadBytes(file,byte); break; case 0x87: fread(&byte,sizeof(BYTE),1,file); dwLoopLength=ReadBytes(file,byte); break; case 0x88: fread(&byte,sizeof(BYTE),1,file); dwDataStart=ReadBytes(file,byte); break; case 0x92: fread(&byte,sizeof(BYTE),1,file); dwBytesPerSample=ReadBytes(file,byte); break; case 0x80: // ??? fread(&byte,sizeof(BYTE),1,file); bSplit=ReadBytes(file,byte); break; case 0xA0: // ??? fread(&byte,sizeof(BYTE),1,file); bSplitCompression=ReadBytes(file,byte); break; case 0xFF: subflag=FALSE; flag=FALSE; break; case 0x8A: // end of subheader bInSubHeader=FALSE; default: // ??? fread(&byte,sizeof(BYTE),1,file); fseek(file,byte,SEEK_CUR); } } break;


fread(&byte,sizeof(BYTE),1,file); if (byte==0xFF) fseek(file,4,SEEK_CUR); fseek(file,byte,SEEK_CUR);


dwSampleRate -- sample rate for the file. Note that headers of most of ASFs/MUSes I've seen DO NOT contain sample rate subheader section. Currently I just set sample rate for such files to the default: 22050 Hz. It seems to work okay.

dwChannels -- number of channels for the file: 1 for mono, 2 for stereo. If this is NOT set by ParsePTHeader, then you may use the default: stereo.

dwCompression -- Compression tag. If this is 0x00, then no compression is used and audio data is signed 16-bit PCM. If this is 0x07, the audio data is compressed with EA ADPCM algorithm. Please read the next section for the description of EA ADPCM decompression scheme. In some files this tag is omitted -- I use 0x00 (no compression) for them.

dwNumSamples -- number of samples in the file.

dwDataStart -- in ASF files this's not used.

dwLoopOffset -- offset when looping (from start of sound part).

dwLoopLength -- length when looping.

dwBytesPerSample -- bytes per sample (Default is 2). Divide this by dwChannels to get resolution of sound data.

bSplit -- this looks like to be 0x01 for files using "split" SCDl blocks (see below). If this subheader field is absent, the file uses "normal" (interleaved) SCDl blocks.

bSplitCompression -- this looks like to be 0x08 for files using non-compressed "split" SCDl blocks. If this subheader field is absent in the file using "split" SCDls, the file uses EA ADPCM compression. This subheader field should not appear in a file using "normal" (interleaved) SCDls.

The structure and the meanings of some parts of PT header is very uncertain. Please mail me if you find out more!

Note that some music/video files have somewhat different format of SCHl header. Namely, first comes PATl header: it begins with "PATl" ID string and its size is 56 bytes (always?) including its ID string. After PATl header comes TMpl header:

struct TMplHeader
 char	szID[4];
 BYTE	bUnknown1;
 BYTE	bBits;
 BYTE	bChannels;
 BYTE	bCompression;
 WORD	wUnknown2;
 WORD	wSampleRate;
 DWORD dwNumSamples; // ???
 BYTE	bUnknown3[20];

szID -- string ID, always "TMpl".

bBits -- resolution of sound data (0x10 for 16-bit, 0x8 for 8-bit).

bChannels -- channels number: 1 for mono, 2 for stereo.

bCompression -- if 0x00, the data in the file is not compressed: signed 8-bit PCM or signed 16-bit PCM. If this byte is 0x02, the audio data is compressed with IMA ADPCM. See my EA-ASF.TXT specs for description of IMA ADPCM decompression scheme.

wSampleRate -- sample rate for the file.

dwNumSamples -- number of samples in the file. May be used for song length (in seconds) calculation. Should be divided by 2 for mono sound. Note that the meaning of this field may be different when TMpl header is used inside the SCHl header.

"SCCl": count block. This block goes after "SCHl" and contains one DWORD value which is a number of "SCDl" data blocks in ASF file.

"SCDl": data block. These blocks contain audio data. Depending on the parameters set in the header (see above) SCDl block may contain compressed (by EA ADPCM or IMA ADPCM) or non-compressed audio data and the data itself may be interleaved or split (see below).

If no compression is used and the file does not use "split" SCDl blocks, SCDl block begins with a DWORD value which is the number of samples in this block and after that comes signed 16-bit PCM data, in the interleaved form: LRLR...LR (L and R are 16-bit sample values for left and right channels).

Hereafter by "chunk" I mean the audio data in the "SCDl" data block, that is, compressed/non-compressed data which starts after chunk header.

In the newer EA games (NHL'2000/NBA'2000/FIFA'99'2000/NFS5) non-compressed "split" SCDl blocks are used. These blocks begin with a chunk header:

struct ASFSplitPCMChunkHeader
 DWORD dwOutSize;
 DWORD dwLeftChannelOffset;
 DWORD dwRightChannelOffset;

dwOutSize -- size of audio data in this chunk (in samples).

dwLeftChannelOffset, dwRightChannelOffset -- offsets to PCM data for left and right channels, relative to the byte which immediately follows ASFSplitPCMChunkHeader structure. E.g. for left channel this offset is zero -- the data starts immediately after this structure.

After this structure comes PCM data for stereo wavestream and it's not interleaved (LRLRLR...), but it's split: first go sample values for left channel, then -- for right channel, that is the layout is LL...LRR...R.

If EA ADPCM (or IMA ADPCM) compression is used, but the file does not use "split" SCDls, each SCDl block begins with a chunk header:

struct ASFChunkHeader
 DWORD dwOutSize;
 SHORT lCurSampleLeft;
 SHORT lPrevSampleLeft;
 SHORT lCurSampleRight;
 SHORT lPrevSampleRight;

dwOutSize -- size of decompressed audio data in this chunk (in samples).

lCurSampleLeft, lCurSampleRight, lPrevSampleLeft, lPrevSampleRight are initial values for EA ADPCM decompression routine for this data block (for left and right channels respectively). I'll describe the usage of these further when I get to EA ADPCM decompression scheme.

Note that the structure above is ONLY for stereo files. For mono there're just no lCurSampleRight, lPrevSampleRight fields.

If IMA ADPCM compression is used, the meanings of some chunk header fields are different -- see my EA-ASF.TXT specs for details.

After this chunk header the compressed data comes. See the next section for EA ADPCM decompression scheme description.

If EA ADPCM (or IMA ADPCM) compression is used and the file uses "split" SCDls, each SCDl block begins with a different chunk header:

struct ASFSplitChunkHeader
 DWORD dwOutSize;
 DWORD dwLeftChannelOffset;
 DWORD dwRightChannelOffset;
SHORT lCurSampleLeft;
SHORT lPrevSampleLeft;
BYTE  bLeftChannelData[]; // compressed data for left channel goes here...
SHORT lCurSampleRight;
SHORT lPrevSampleRight;
BYTE  bRightChannelData[]; // compressed data for right channel goes here...

dwOutSize -- size of decompressed audio data in this chunk (in samples).

dwLeftChannelOffset, dwRightChannelOffset -- offsets to compressed data for left and right channels, relative to the byte which immediately follows ASFSplitChunkHeader structure. E.g. for left channel this offset is zero -- the data starts immediately after this structure.

lCurSampleLeft, lCurSampleRight, lPrevSampleLeft, lPrevSampleRight have the same meaning as above, but note that these values are SHORTs.

So, use mono decoder for each channel data and then create normal LRLR... stereo waveform before outputting. Such (newer) files may be separated from the others by presence of 0x80 type section in PT header (the value stored in the section is 0x01 for such files). Some of such files also do not contain compression type (0x83) section in their PT header.

"SCLl": loop block. This block defines looping point for the song. It contains only DWORD value, which is the looping jump position (in samples) relative to the start of the song. You should make the jump just when you encounter this block.

"SCEl": end block. This block indicates the end of audio stream.

Note that in some games audio files are contained within game resources. As a rule, such resources are not compressed/encrypted, so you may just search for ASF file signature (e.g. "SCHl") and this will mark the beginning of audio stream, while "SCEl" block marks the end of that stream.

EA ADPCM Decompression Algorithm

During the decompression four LONG variables must be maintained for stereo stream: lCurSampleLeft, lCurSampleRight, lPrevSampleLeft, lPrevSampleRight and two -- for mono stream: lCurSample, lPrevSample. At the beginning of each "SCDl" data block you must initialize these variables using the values in ASFChunkHeader. Note that LONG here is signed.

Here's the code which decompresses one "SCDl" block of EA ADPCM compressed stereo stream.

BYTE  InputBuffer[InputBufferSize]; // buffer containing audio data of "SCDl" block
BYTE  bInput;
DWORD dwOutSize; // outsize value from the ASFChunkHeader
DWORD i, bCount, sCount;
LONG  c1left,c2left,c1right,c2right,left,right;
BYTE  dleft,dright;

DWORD dwSubOutSize=0x1c;


// process integral number of (dwSubOutSize) samples
for (bCount=0;bCount<(dwOutSize/dwSubOutSize);bCount++)
 c1left=EATable[HINIBBLE(bInput)];   // predictor coeffs for left channel
 c1right=EATable[LONIBBLE(bInput)];  // predictor coeffs for right channel
 dleft=HINIBBLE(bInput)+8;   // shift value for left channel
 dright=LONIBBLE(bInput)+8;  // shift value for right channel
 for (sCount=0;sCount<dwSubOutSize;sCount++)
   left=HINIBBLE(bInput);  // HIGHER nibble for left channel
   right=LONIBBLE(bInput); // LOWER nibble for right channel

   // Now we've got lCurSampleLeft and lCurSampleRight which form one stereo
   // sample and all is set for the next input byte...
   Output((SHORT)lCurSampleLeft,(SHORT)lCurSampleRight); // send the sample to output

// process the rest (if any)
if ((dwOutSize % dwSubOutSize) != 0)
 c1left=EATable[HINIBBLE(bInput)];   // predictor coeffs for left channel
 c1right=EATable[LONIBBLE(bInput)];  // predictor coeffs for right channel
 dleft=HINIBBLE(bInput)+8;   // shift value for left channel
 dright=LONIBBLE(bInput)+8;  // shift value for right channel
 for (sCount=0;sCount<(dwOutSize % dwSubOutSize);sCount++)
   left=HINIBBLE(bInput);  // HIGHER nibble for left channel
   right=LONIBBLE(bInput); // LOWER nibble for right channel

   // Now we've got lCurSampleLeft and lCurSampleRight which form one stereo
   // sample and all is set for the next input byte...
   Output((SHORT)lCurSampleLeft,(SHORT)lCurSampleRight); // send the sample to output

HINIBBLE and LONIBBLE are higher and lower 4-bit nibbles:

#define HINIBBLE(byte) ((byte) >> 4)
#define LONIBBLE(byte) ((byte) & 0x0F)

Note that depending on your compiler you may need to use additional nibble separation in these defines, e.g. (((byte) >> 4) & 0x0F).

EATable is the table given in the next section of this document.

Output() is just a placeholder for any action you would like to perform for decompressed sample value.

Clip16BitSample is quite evident:

LONG Clip16BitSample(LONG sample)
 if (sample>32767)
    return 32767;
 else if (sample<-32768)
    return (-32768);
    return sample;

As to mono sound, it's just analoguous: dwSubOutSize=0x0E for mono and you should get predictor coeffs and shift from one byte:

c1=EATable[HINIBBLE(bInput)];	// predictor coeffs
d=LONIBBLE(bInput)+8;  // shift value

And also you should process HIGHER nibble of the input byte first and then LOWER nibble for mono sound.

Of course, this decompression routine may be greatly optimized.


LONG EATable[]=

.WVE/.DCT/.MAD/.TGQ/.UV/.UV2 Movie Soundtracks

.WVE/.DCT/.MAD/.TGQ/.UV/.UV2 movies have the block structure analoguous to that of .ASF. Video-related data is in "pIQT", "mTCD", "MADk", "MADm", "MADe", "pQGT", etc. blocks and sound-related data is just in the same blocks as in .ASF: "SCHl", "SCCl", "SCDl", "SCLl", "SCEl". So, to play .WVE/.DCT/.MAD/.TGQ/.UV/.UV2 movie soundtrack, just walk blocks chain, skip video blocks and process sound blocks. Note that in some games video files (as well as audio files) are contained within game resources. As a rule, such resources are not compressed/encrypted, so you may just search for ASF file signature (e.g. "SCHl") and this will mark the beginning of audio stream, while "SCEl" block marks the end of that stream.

MUS Music Files

Interactive music is in .MUS files. These have the same block structure as .ASFs with two important differences: 1) MUS file may contain several "SCHl" header blocks. 2) Each "SCHl" header block starts at the position which is a multiple of 4. That is, if you've read the "SCEl" end block and your current file position is, say, dwCurPos, do the following: if ((dwCurPos % 4) == 0) just read the next block, otherwise skip (4 - (dwCurPos % 4)) bytes and then read the next block.

If you walk the block chain of a .MUS file, you'll get the block sequence like this: SCHl, SCCl, SCDl, ..., SCEl, SCHl, SCCl, SCDl, ..., SCEl, .... That is, a MUS file is a kind of collection of ASF files, each ASF file beginning being aligned on DWORD boundary. Each ASF file starts with "SCHl" block and ends with "SCEl" block. Further I'll refer to such ASFs in .MUS as "MUS sections". Each MUS section contains a part of song. If you try to play these parts consecutively as they appear in .MUS you will not get right song playback for most .MUS files. To play .MUS in the right sequence you'll need either .LIN or .MAP file (with the same name) which should be found in the same directory as the .MUS on Electronic Arts game CD.

While in NFS 2 almost all .MUSes have the correspondent .ASFs which are used for non-interactive playback, in NFS 3 all songs are .MUSes and to play them you'll need to use correspondent .LIN file (for some songs -- .MAP file).

.LIN/.MAP Files and Correct .MUS Playback

.LIN/.MAP files which should be found in the same directory as .MUSes define the interactive and non-interactive ("normal") playback sequences. Typically, .LINs define normal (non-interactive) and .MAPs define interactive sequences. Some .MAPs define normal sequence. Both .LINs and .MAPs have the same structure, which I'll describe here.

Each .LIN or .MAP corresponds to the .MUS with the same name: e.g. CREDITS.MAP corresponds to CREDITS.MUS and EMPRROCK.LIN -- to EMPRROCK.MUS.

.LIN/.MAP file has the following header:

struct MAPHeader
 char szID[4];
 BYTE bUnknown1;
 BYTE bFirstSection;
 BYTE bNumSections;
 BYTE bRecordSize; // ???
 BYTE Unknown2[3];
 BYTE bNumRecords;

szID -- string ID, always "PFDx".

bFirstSection -- index (zero-based) of the first MUS section to be played. Hereafter by "index of .MUS section" I mean the number which identifies the section in .MUS file: index 0 corresponds to the first section, 1 -- to the second, etc. That is, the section index is zero-based.

bNumSections -- number of sections in the correspondent MUS file.

bRecordSize -- size of record, array of which follows the table of section definitions in .LIN/.MAP file. More about this later.

bNumRecords -- number of records in the array mentioned above.

Following the header, comes the table of (bNumSections) definitions for each section of .MUS. Each definition describes the correspondent .MUS section: the first describe first .MUS section, the second describes second .MUS section, etc. Each definition has the following format:

struct MAPSectionDef
 BYTE bIndex;
 BYTE bNumRecords;
 BYTE szID[2];
 struct MAPSectionDefRecord msdRecords[8];

bIndex -- ??? not necessary for non-interactive playback.

bNumRecords -- number of MAPSectionDefRecords used (of 8) in msdRecords[]. Used are msdRecords[0], ..., msdRecords[bNumRecords-1], others are zeroed. For .LINs/.MAPs, defining non-interactive playback sequence, it seems that (bNumRecords) is always 1, that is, only the first MAPSectionDefRecord is used and should be used for playback sequence. If (bNumRecords) is zero, this means that the section described by the MAPSectionDef is the final in playback sequence and there's no next section for it.

szID -- ID, seems to be always "\xFF\xFF". Not necessary for non-interactive playback.

msdRecords -- array of 8 records (used are only first (bNumRecords)), each record having the following format:

struct MAPSectionDefRecord
 BYTE bUnknown;
 BYTE bMagic;
 BYTE bNextSection;

bMagic -- seems to be 0x64 for the records defining non-interactive playback. But, maybe, not necessarily. Just ignore that.

bNextSection -- index (zero-based) of the next section in the .MUS playback sequence. The section with the index (bNextSection) should be played after the section which is described by this MAPSectionDef. More about the .MUS playback later.

After the table of .MUS section definitions comes the array of (MAPHeader.bNumRecords) seemingly useless records each record having the size (MAPHeader.bRecordSize). I've got some doubts about my treatment of (MAPHeader.bRecordSize) field, so it seems to be safer to use 0x10 as the record size. Just skip this array. It's of no use for non-interactive playback.

After that array comes the final part of .LIN/.MAP -- the array of DWORDs which are just the starting positions of .MUS sections (that is, positions for "SCHl" blocks describing the correspondent sections). Important note: these DWORDs are stored using big-endian byte order! That means that the four bytes in the file, e.g., 0x12 0x34 0x56 0x78 constitute the DWORD value 0x12345678 and NOT 0x78563412 (as it's treated by Intel processors). These starting positions are relative to the .MUS file beginning.

Now, when we know the structure of .LIN/.MAP files, I'll describe how they should be used for non-interactive .MUS playback.

First, read the .LIN/.MAP header. This gives you the index of first section in playback sequence (MAPHeader.bFirstSection). Then get the starting position of this section from the positions table:


Invert byte order in dwStart: dwStart=SWAPDWORD(dwStart), where

#define SWAPDWORD(x) ((((x)&0xFF)<<24)+(((x)>>24)&0xFF)+(((x)>>8)&0xFF00)+(((x)<<8)&0xFF0000))

Now you've got correct dwStart and just set the file pointer in .MUS file to that to get to the section start. Read the section's "SCHl" header and further blocks and play the section. Then get to this section's definition structure, for example, using the code like this:


Read the section definition:


Now (secdef.msdRecords[secdef.bNumRecords-1].bNextSection) is the next section to play back. Get its starting position from the table, etc. Repeat this procedure until you come across either a section you've already played or the section definition with zero (bNumRecords). In the former case you may loop the song or just stop playback. In the latter case you should just stop playback.

Some final words about .MUS/.ASF/.LIN/.MAP files... When to play .MUS file using .LIN or .MAP and what to use: .LIN or .MAP ? If along with the .MUS file there's an .ASF file with same name, play the .ASF file -- it should be used for non-interactive playback. If there's no .ASF file with the same name as .MUS, but along with the .MUS there's a .LIN file with the same name as .MUS, play .MUS file using that .LIN file. If there's no .LIN or .ASF file correspondent to .MUS file, but there's a .MAP file with the same name, play the .MUS file using that .MAP. And finally, if there's none of .ASF, .LIN or .MAP file for .MUS, it's an error. You may try to play that .MUS section-by-section or use playback sequence of your choice.

Sound Effects in .BNK/.VIV Files

Most of sound effects and speech files (and sometimes ASF music files) are stored in .BNK and .VIV resource files. The .BNK file may contain several sounds. BNKs of older version have the following header:

struct OldBNKHeader
 char	szID[4];
 WORD	wVersion;
 WORD	wNumberOfSounds;
 DWORD dwFirstSoundStart;
 DWORD dwSoundsArray[wNumberOfSounds];

For the newer BNK files the header is:

struct NewBNKHeader
 char	szID[4];
 WORD	wVersion;
 WORD	wNumberOfSounds;
 DWORD dwFirstSoundStart;
 DWORD dwSoundSize; // = total filesize - dwFirstSoundStart
 DWORD dwUnknown;   // seems to contain small number <20 or -1
 DWORD dwSoundsArray[wNumberOfSounds];

szID -- string ID, always "BNKl".

wVersion -- for old version this is 0x0002, for new version -- 0x0004.

wNumberOfSounds -- number of sounds stored in .BNK file.

dwFirstSoundStart -- the starting position of the first sound audio data relative the BNK file beginning. There's no real use of this...

dwSoundsArray -- the array of (wNumberOfSounds) DWORDs. Each of these is the shift to the PT header describing the separate sound in .BNK relative to the starting position of this DWORD. That is, if such DWORD (dwShift) starts at the position (dwShiftPos) (relative to the start of .BNK), the correspondent PT header starts at the position: dwPTHeaderPos=dwShiftPos+dwShift. Note that some DWORDs in this array are zeroes that means they correspond to no sound. Remember that PT header starts with the "PT\0\0" signature.

So, (dwSoundsArray) points to a number of PT headers in .BNK, which follow the BNK header. Each of these PT headers describe a separate sound in .BNK. Refer to the .ASF file description for details on dealing with PT headers. Note that some PT headers do not contain (dwChannels), (dwSampleRate), (dwCompression) data. I use the default value if it's omitted in the header: mono, 22050 Hz, unknown compression. In any case, PT header for .BNK sound should contain values for (dwNumSamples) and (dwDataStart). (dwDataStart) is the starting position of sound data relative to the start of .BNK file. Sound data itself has no additional headers and in case of EA ADPCM compression (dwCompression==0x07) should be decoded just like "SCDl" block data (following ASFChunkHeader). As to the size of the sound data, just use (dwNumSamples) and stop playback of the sound when it's exhausted.

As to .VIV files these seem to be multi-data resources. In particular, they can contain .BNK/.ASF files. So, if you want to play sounds from a .BNK file contained within .VIV, just search .VIV for "BNKl" string ID and that will be just the .BNK file described above. Note that all (dwDataShifts) given in PT headers in .BNK are always positions relative to the start of .BNK file, that is, if .BNK is in .VIV, they will be relative to the start of "BNKl" signature you found in .VIV. To play .ASF file from .VIV you may just search for "SCHl" string ID and that'll mark the beginning of .ASF file, while the end will be marked by "SCEl" block.